Top 5 Tuesday- Top 5 Reasons I Love Reading

Top Five Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm where bookworms get to chat about their top five books based on different topics.

Dear book loving friends,

I bring to you a semi-personal Top 5 Tuesday. This week’s Top 5 Tuesday are the 5 reasons why I love reading. I hope you enjoy!


The adventures are addictive

I have a secret to spill. I have a few talents that I need to tell you guys about. I can sword fight on a pirate ship, I can fight demons and save the world at the same time, and I can stop a contagious disease from spreading and killing everyone on Earth.

I could do all this as well as being a full time college student and having a somewhat decent social life. The secret to being able to do this is through books! I love the adventures each book holds. There are so many exciting experiences and high risk adventures just waiting to be discovered.

The adventures are what I live for.


I am never alone

When people first meet me, they say I am very shy and quiet, and that is all too true. I am very shy and I don’t really like being social. At the same time, people who really do know me say that I am wild, crazy, and too out spoken. It is a complicated mix, but it is still hard for me to be social with people.

My parents used to worry about me a lot growing up because I would lock myself in my room and read. I didn’t really have the need to be social. However, I was never lonely. I actually had fictional friends and I went on adventures with these friends.


I love experiencing multiple realities and worlds

I travel a lot. Not only do I travel around the world, but I travel to other dimensions and worlds. I never knew that I would be so in love with the Shadowhunter Universe or Narnia. Growing up, I was so obsessed with Narnia that I would always open closet doors half expecting to find the doorway to Narnia.


I love to be able to forget

There are so many stresses and struggles that I face on the daily. And it doesn’t help that I am studying Criminal Justice; which means I literally have to read articles upon articles about murder, assaults, kidnappings, and etc. I will be honest and tell you that sometimes it gets too overwhelming.

Sometimes I need an escape and I need to forget all the misery of this world.

I love being able to become someone else and being able to forget who I am, for at least a little while.


It is the closest thing I have to magic

I believe in magic. I believe in what magic brings to someone. The curiosity, the mysterious, the fantastical. I believe magic brings all of that to people. I also think books provide that magic that everyone looks for. And the beauty of it all is that it is unique to each individual. One person could find in a book wonder, yet another person who reads that very same book may find the mysterious.

These 5 reasons are the main reasons why I love reading so much!



Question: What are your 5 reasons that you love reading? Comment down below! 


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